(02 Azure: Features)

Azure Magazine: Features
Extensively researched and wrote features for Azure Magazine on emerging and innovative materials. Azure is an award-winning, widely-read, international magazine, with a focus on contemporary architecture and design. 

“Emerging Solutions” / Spec Sheet_Materials / Jan/Feb 2019
“Roofing” / Spec Sheet_Materials / Mar/Apr 2018 
“Walls & Ceilings” / Material World / Oct 2017
“Solid State” / Material World / Jul/Aug 2017
“Floor Show” / Material World / May 2017

Azure Magazine: Short Stories

Developed and wrote articles for Azure Magazine, including conducting research and interviews. Azure is an award-winning, widely-read, international magazine, with a focus on contemporary architecture and design.

“Well Rusted” / Process/ 09-2018 / Furniture pieces created with rust and acrylic by designer, Yuma Kano “New Kid on the Block” / 06-2017 / Spotlight on Facades / Focus on the Bünder Kunstmuseum by Spanish architects, Barozzi Veiga.